Heizkörperpinsel for paints, FLK and other coatings
Deckenbürste for primers and slurries
Polyamidwalze Premium for colours, FLK and other heavy coatings
Polyamidwalze Spezial for floor coatings
Entlüftungswalze Kunststoff-Stachel for the removal of air pockets in coatings
Entlüftungswalze Metall-Stachel for the removal of air pockets in coatings
Schlingenwalze Premium for the removal of air pockets in coatings
Erbslochwalze for structuring surfaces
Heizkörperwalzenbügel for different types of rollers
Walzenbügel for different types of rollers
Walzenbügel variabel for different types of rollers