As part of the renovation of existing buildings, moist substrates in residential building basements and in storage areas represent a costly and difficult to resolve problem. However, in these types of objects in need of renovation there must be a minimum amount of dryness. Furthermore, due to the often limited storey height, a low build-up thickness is required in the removal of moisture. Up until now, the potentials in these existing buildings could not properly be exploited due to the possible renovation types or a very cost-intensive process was used.
With the floor renovating compound HADALAN® EBG 13E, Heinrich Hahne GmbH & Co. KG has available a material that promises a wide range of advantages in certain challenging situations, for example due to its specific characteristics on moist substrates in variable layer thickness, for faster curing, and use in a single operation.
Beyond this, the material is solvent-free and allows vapour diffusion as well as chemical-resistant. In addition, it is also suitable for use in exterior areas.
Heinrich Hahne GmbH & Co. KG has made a significant advancement in the renovation of moist substrates with the development of the floor renovation compound HADALAN® EBG 13E. This opens a new perspective for the company that renovates existing buildings in tackling difficult tasks.
This product's innovative and pragmatic solution won over the jury, in particular for the area of application within the scope of construction in existing contexts.
Award: "Prize for product innovation"
Praxis Altbau (category): "Improving the ground you stand on"
Product information HADALAN® EBG 13E